Two alternate endings found on the upcoming Cloverfield DVD have made their way onto YouTube.
by Larry_Chimp_Man
Two alternate endings found on the upcoming April 22nd DVD release of Cloverfield have found their way onto YouTube. While neither ending differs too much from the theatrical ending they are both worth the watch. The first unused ending cuts from the rubble to Rob and Beth flirting at a subway station. The second is very similar to the ending used theatrically but features a clip of someone, possibly the government, removing the camera from the rubble. Check out the alternate endings below.
The Cloverfield DVD hits shelves in a few weeks on April 22nd. Paramount has not yet revealed any details on a Cloverfield Blu-ray release but it's only a matter of time before the film hits the High-def format. It was originally speculated that Paramount was rushing out a barebones Blu-ray disc to coincide with the April 22nd DVD release but that no longer seems the case.
What do you guys think of these alternate endings? Would you have preferred to see one of these instead of the ending that was used theatrically? Post a comment and we'll start up a discussion.

I like the second ending out of these two but it's almost identical to the one originally used. The Cloverfield DVD should be cool, I wonder what easter eggs it'll have.
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